Matthew (Matt) has been singing since he was a child. He became a church cantor at age 17, and continues to sing around the county for multiple churches. At SDSU, he dove into the world of a cappella, and sang professionally in choirs like Sacra/Profana. He is now a singer in multiple a cappella groups around San Diego and performs for multiple public events as a member of the Fil-Am community. 

Matt was introduced to musicals through his middle school/high school experience at the San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts. Since then he's performed for multiple companies around San Diego, and is an award-winning music director for community youth theaters and school-sponsored programs.

Matt is also a choir conductor at St. John of the Cross Church, La Costa Glen retirement community, and with the Tremble Clefs, a singing therapy choir for people with Parkinson's. He uses his background and degree in linguistics to help shape the programing for this choir.